Why do accidents happen despite good HSE regulations?

Why are deviations from the same regulations accepted?
How to ensure quality assurance that they are followed?

Odd Sevland firmly believes that companies prioritizing the quality of their products pave the way for consistent growth. Predictability and compliance, he contends, foster creativity, leading to the emergence of innovative ideas that gain widespread traction – a shared aspiration for all.

Odd Sevland has dedicated years to developing the essential mental tools required to ensure quality throughout an organization. He has observed that when everything is regarded as important, nothing truly stands out. Effective organizational management, according to him, necessitates the identification and prioritization of crucial elements. Rewarding desired behavior, actively engaging where work is conducted, and communicating effectively with employees are pivotal steps on the path to success.

With extensive experience in quality assurance, Odd Sevland's insights are invaluable. In the mid-1990s, companies embarked on significant investments in regulatory compliance. Yet, incidents and accidents persisted. He recognized that the missing piece of the puzzle was the human factor. In 1996, a life-altering accident left him seriously injured, leading to the realization that he, himself, was a contributing factor. He was part of a work culture that tolerated behavior contrary to company policies. As he recounts, "We pushed each other off the cliff, and I fell first." His presentation is a unique blend of personal narrative, communication guidance, and leadership training, serving as a reminder that the cost of accidents extends beyond individuals to impact their loved ones.

Over 50,000 individuals have attended Odd Sevland's lecture, where he shares how his actions led to a severe injury during his time as an instructor at a fire and marine rescue school in 1996. The presentation, delivered in an entertaining stand-up format, encourages the audience to reflect on their own behavior. It underscores the importance of thinking first, recognizing that, as we all know, it can sometimes be too late. His lecture is suitable for all organizational levels, promoting a deeper understanding of good conduct, product quality assurance, workplace safety, and overall well-being.

Furthermore, it is available in both Norwegian and English to ensure broader accessibility.